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Pioneering Pet Care with Passion and Purpose: My Journey with Blue Skies Pet Care

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I’m honored to have recently been featured in the Wichita Business Journal’s “Women Who Lead in Suburban Business” series. This opportunity has allowed me to reflect on my journey and the evolution of Blue Skies Pet Care, a business born out of my deep love for animals and my drive to create something meaningful for both pets and their owners in our community.

From Humble Beginnings to a Thriving Business

My career path started in the most fulfilling way I could imagine—volunteering at animal shelters from a tender age and clear through adulthood. These early experiences were pivotal, sparking my interest in animal behavior and care beyond my family’s personal pets. As I pursued psychology and natural science degrees at Bethel College, I found myself increasingly drawn to understanding the nuances of animal behavior, thanks in large part to the guidance of my professors, Dwight Krehbiel and Paul Lewis. Their mentorship not only deepened my appreciation for animals but also inspired me to think creatively about how I could turn my passion into a career.

In 2010, with a mix of excitement and determination, I founded Blue Skies Pet Care. I wanted to create a business that did more than just offer services—I wanted to create a community. Over the years, Blue Skies has grown to include a range of services like dog training, pet sitting, dog walking, and even poop scooping. But at its core, our goal has always remained the same: enhancing the well-being and happiness of families and the pets we care for.

The Influence of Mentorship

No journey is ever truly a solo endeavor, and I’ve been incredibly fortunate to have mentors who have shaped my path. My grandmother, Geneva Anduss, and my mother, Cynthia Klein, were both strong, passionate women who instilled in me a love for animals and a relentless work ethic. Their influence, combined with the academic mentorship I received at Bethel College, gave me the foundation I needed to start and grow Blue Skies Pet Care.

These mentors taught me the importance of combining compassion with a strong business acumen. My mother’s unwavering support helped me navigate the challenges of building a business from the ground up.

Making a Difference in Our Community

One of the most rewarding aspects of my work has been the ability to give back to the community that has supported us so generously. Our involvement in projects like the Newton Dog Park Project is a testament to our commitment to enhancing the quality of life for both pets and their owners. Being a part of these initiatives not only helps strengthen our local community but also reinforces the values that Blue Skies Pet Care was built on. You can read about some of our Community Outreach and Service here.

Advice for Women Starting a Business

For any woman looking to start a business, my advice is to believe in your passion and commit to continuous learning. Building a successful business is incredibly rewarding, but it demands dedication, resilience, and a clear vision. In a landscape that’s often crowded and competitive, establishing a comprehensive business plan with clear goals and high standards is what will set you apart.

Don’t be afraid to seek out mentors who can provide guidance and support along the way. Networking with industry professionals and staying updated on trends in your field are also essential. But above all, stay true to your values and let them guide every decision you make. Whether you’re in pet care or any other industry, the well-being of those you serve should always be your top priority. Innovation and risk-taking are necessary for growth, but they should never come at the expense of your core principles.

Looking Ahead

As I reflect on the journey so far, I am filled with gratitude for the community of clients, colleagues, and mentors who have been a part of Blue Skies Pet Care’s story. I’m excited about the future and the opportunities ahead to continue making a positive impact in the lives of pets and their families.

Thank you for being a part of this journey with me. Whether you’ve been a client, a mentor, or a supporter from afar, your belief in our mission has helped make Blue Skies Pet Care what it is today.

Here’s to the next chapter!

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Ashley Klein

Owner & Pet Care Provider Blue Skies Pet Care, LLC